MerryGoCECES 幼聯


Fringe Club 慈善嘉年華


Health/Lifestyle Zone



Multiple Brain Science & Technology

透過「光」讓每一個人能實現與創造生命最高之 價值,令每個家庭成員擁有健康活力的大腦。 把健康、快樂與希望帶進每個家庭。

致力於光科技的開發與應用,並在光產業的 不同領域,包括教育、農業、科技、物理、體育、 藝術、心理學、哲學、商業等,創新開發高質量的 應用技術與產品,培育專才,促進經濟成長, 為社會帶來貢獻。


Homeland Tea Garden「故鄉茶園」

「故鄉茶園」創辦人陳笑薇女士, 是香港少數擁有中國國家職業資格一級(高級)評茶師技師及國家職業資格二級茶藝技師, 中國少兒茶藝指導(師資級)專項職業能力"教師資格"。畢業於香港浸會大學(中醫藥學院)中醫茶療學和中醫飲食養生學。 多次受邀由小學至大學作客席講師、 私人機構、香港旅遊發展局、香港茶具文物館, 海外, 舉行茶文化及茶療身心講座活動,以中、英文及國語講授及示範。把茶知識靈活運用於日常生活中,主力推動茶文化及茶療身心教育。

Homeland Tea Garden is a professional tea culture and tea therapy for health education platform in Hong Kong. Our founder, Ms May CHAN Siu-Mei , is certified Tea Lecturer and Consultant and she holds multiple professional qualifications. She has been invited to give numerous talks and classes in schools and universities and organization as guest lecture for businesses and non-profit organizations, Hong Kong Tourism Board, Hong Kong Museum of Tea Ware and overseas to promote the tea culture for international visitors and groups aboard. She promotes tea appreciation and its health benefits through talks in schools, organizations, and international venues in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English.







With the diversification and personalization of consumer tastes, durian, a tropical fruit known as the "King of Fruits", has gradually become a fashion trend. The main purpose of Chaoliuxing is to integrate durian eating into the forefront of fashion. In view of this, the company combines durian products with current fashion trends to create a novel and rich.

The core concept of Chaoliuxing is that "durian is not only a fruit, but also a way of life." The brand hopes to redefine consumers' perception of durian through unique product design, innovative marketing techniques and social media promotion. Whether it is durian ice cream, durian cake, or new elements such as durian mochi, durian ramen, etc., Chaoliuxing strives to showcase the diversity and uniqueness of this tropical fruit to the extreme.

The products launched by Chaoliuxing are not only delicious, but also full of visual impact. For example, the durian ramen is inspired by the perfect fusion of Asian and Japanese styles, combining salty and sweet flavors, while the durian-flavored lemon tea attracts the attention of young people. These products are not only innovative in taste, but also beautifully designed in appearance, becoming hot topics on social media.

The Chaoliuxing brand takes durian as its core and combines it with modern trends to create a new market. In the future, we look forward to seeing more innovative products and marketing strategies related to durian, making durian no longer just a fruit, but a fashion and a culture. Through Chaoliuxing, the charm of durian will be further explored and displayed, attracting and gain more consumers.
