MerryGoCECES 幼聯


Fringe Club 慈善嘉年華

立即加入 MerryGoCECES 幼聯 x Fringe Club 慈善嘉年華,支持綠色生活,共享歡樂時光!

三日通行證 $HK 280

3-Day Pass $HK 280


(Children under 12 and students with valid ID can enter for free.)


MerryGoCECES 幼聯 x Fringe Club 慈善嘉年華

                    由幼聯主辦、藝穗會協辦的「MerryGoCECES 幼聯 x Fringe Club 慈善嘉年華」將於9月27日至29日,在中環亞厘畢道2號的藝穗會舉行。這個為期三天的活動結合了綠色生活理念、音樂和藝術表演,旨在推廣可持續發展及慈善精神。現場將有各種工作坊、綠色品牌分享會、音樂演出及特別嘉賓表演。此外,活動歡迎寵物參與,並設有特別的親子活動區域,適合全家大小一同參與。三日通行證售價為 280 港元,12歲以下兒童及持有學生證者可免費入場。
"MerryGoCECES x Fringe Club Charity Fundraising Carnival" organized by the Children's Federation and co-organized by the Fringe Club will be held from September 27 to 29 at the Fringe Club, 2 Albert Road, Central. This three-day event combines green living concepts, music and artistic performances to promote sustainable development and philanthropy. There will be various workshops, green brand sharing sessions, music performances and performances by special guests. In addition, pets are welcome to participate in the event, and there is a special parent-child activity area suitable for the whole family to participate. A three-day pass is priced at HK$280, and children under 12 years old and those with student ID cards can enter for free.



香港幼兒教育及服務聯會 (簡稱幼聯)

Hong Kong Council of Early Childhood Education and Services (CECES)

幼聯由已故張有興太平紳士的家族成員程德智女士於1982年成立,是香港政府認可的社會服務慈善團體(慈善團體編號:91/2073)。幼聯旨在推廣及提供非形式化的教育活動 - 透過兒童親身的經歷、體驗,在校本以外發掘及培養兒童的多元智能。

The Hong Kong Council of Early Childhood Education and Services (referred to as "CECES") was established in 1982 by Ms. Ching Teh Chi, (Ms. Sansan Ching) a family member of the late Mr. Hilton Cheong-Leen, JP, CBE. CECES is a government-recognized social service charitable organization in Hong Kong (Charitable Organization Number: 91/2073). We are promoting and provide informal educational activities that enable children to explore and develop their multiple intelligences beyond the school curriculum. CECES aims to provide experiential learning to ignite students’ diverse and varied abilities through hands-on, personal involvement.


條款及細則 Terms and Conditions



  • 9月27日:中午12時至晚上8時正
  • 9月28日:早上11時至晚上8時正
  • 9月29日:早上11時至晚上7時正

Exhibitor Units Open Hours

  • September 27: 12pm-8pm
  • September 28: 11am-8pm
  • September 29: 11am-6pm


  • 9月27日:晚上7時至11pm
  • 9月28日:下午2時至晚上10時
  • 9月29日:下午2時至晚上7時

Happy Drink Hours

  • September 27: 7pm-11pm
  • September 28: 2pm-10pm
  • September 29: 2pm-7pm


*All alcoholic beverages on site are restricted to persons over 18 years of age.


  • 9月27日 & 28日:下午1時至晚上8時
  • 9月29日:下午1時至晚上6時

Welcome Pet Entrances

  • September 27 & 28: 1pm-8pm
  • September 29: 2pm-6pm


This ticket cannot be used in conjunction with any other official promotional offers.


This is a three days pass ticket to visit the festival directly.


A valid ticket must be provided for admission to the festival. A ticket is invalid if any damage, alteration or copy is made. No tickets will be re-issued under any circumstances.


Tickets are not for resale. Tickets will be forfeited without any compensation to the ticket holder if any attempt to resell is made.


The organizer reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the exhibition. All updates of the Exhibition will be based on announcements from the organizer. The organizer is not liable in respect of updates, arrangement, postponement, or cancellation of the exhibition.


The organizer reserves the right to make all final decisions.