MerryGoCECES 幼聯


Fringe Club 慈善嘉年華


Pet Zone



Dog Valentine

2020年遇上兩位可愛小狗Teeny & Moji,起初在網上不停購買各式各樣的寵物衣服,後來發現市場上的產品好壞參半,特色欠奉,於是DOG VALENTINE品牌就此誕生,透過主人為寵物悉心打扮,為生活帶來更多樂趣。DOG VALENTINE一直堅持嚴選優質及非常具特色的服飾,所以會在世界各地搜羅不同時尚品牌,更會與設計師深度交流,讓不同種類的寵物穿上都能演繹自己的風格,更顯魅力個性。 DOG VALENTINE的產品除了美觀時尚外,更著重寵物的安全及舒適度,每位主人絕對願意無條件給寵物最好的一切。 人生短暫,寵壞你的寵物。

About Dog Valentine In 2020, I met two cute puppies, Teeny & Moji. At first, I kept buying various pet clothes online. Later, I found that the products on the market were of mixed quality and lacked features, so the brand DOG VALENTINE was born. Owners dress up their pets carefully to bring more fun to life. DOG VALENTINE has always insisted on carefully selecting high-quality and very distinctive clothing, so it will search for different fashion brands around the world, and will have in-depth exchanges with designers, so that different types of pets can express their own style and show their charming personality. DOG VALENTINE's products are not only beautiful and fashionable, but also focus on the safety and comfort of pets. Every owner is absolutely willing to give the best to their pets unconditionally. Life is short, spoil your pet.


Modern Dog Training

A HK-based dog trainer who promotes force-free and fear-free way of training. Raising a dog is much like raising a toddler - their behaviors are driven by emotions and needs. Often, their emotions are overlooked and this is why they start to “misbehave” My job is to teach my clients to identify and address their emotions, so they will be much more willing to engage and learn with us.



寵芝靈沿用母品牌騰泰堂鹿角靈芝及其納米技術發展出的寵物保健品,增強免疫系統,促進病後迅速復原。 騰泰堂歷時多年成功將鹿角靈芝的技術突破發展自己的培植基地,在室內全監控環境下培植鹿角靈芝,控制其生長過程不釋放孢子粉保留有效成份,也是世界上少數成功能以人工培植出鹿角靈芝實體,其靈芝多醣含量更高達85.4%。 取得傑出的栽培成果後,如何提升毛孩對靈芝的吸收能力,也是一個靈芝保健品重要的考慮因素。騰泰康的鹿角靈芝產品,採用納米技術,使靈芝100%溶於水中,大大提升了寵物的吸收率,發揮靈芝的最大功效。

Superb and core ingredient of our product is originated from the combination of Gallop’s famous Ganoderma amboinense and her nano-technology. Ganos for Pets is particularly designed for dogs and cats for immunity boosting and speed health recovery from illnesses. Good and appropriate cultivation environment is vital for successful growth of Ganoderma amboinense. Each plant thrives in a well-monitored indoor environment and has a relatively richer level of polysaccharides as high as 85.4%. Another key factor for an effective healthcare product is how to deliver all the benefits to human body. Gallop applies nano-technology that make 100% dissolution of Ganoderma amboinense powder in water a reality and substantially increase the penetration of supplements benefits to human cells.


PET-A-HOOD 寵物共融社區

PET-A-HOOD是於2021年4月於香港成立的科技公司,致力為寵物主人簡化寵物養育之旅。我們的寵物資訊平台利用數據和人工智能,為用戶提供個人化的內容,包括寵物服務、寵物友善地點、最新的寵物產品及活動。 我們的平台強化寵物主人與商家的聯繫,志在建構一個健康快樂的生活,是您最值得信賴的生活夥伴。 我們是2021年數碼港培育計劃的孵化企業。我們的手機應用程式於2022年6月推出,並獲得了「亞洲智能應用程式大獎22/23」的優異獎。我們的目標是成為亞洲領先的寵物社區應用程式。

PET-A-HOOD is a Hong Kong-based technology company that simplifies the pet caring journey for pet owners. Our pet community app and social network platform use data and AI algorithms to provide users with relevant content, including advice on pet care, pet-friendly places, and the latest pet products and events. We connect pet owners with local businesses, emphasizing our commitment to creating a sense of community among pet owners. Our goal is to provide pet owners with everything they need to keep their furry friends healthy, happy, and well-cared for. We are an Incubatee in the Cyberport Incubation Program of 2021. We launched our mobile application in June 2022 and were awarded the Certificate of Merit for the Asia Smart App Award 22/23. Our goal is to become the leading pet community app in Asia.



Dearlickcious於2021年成立, 主打營養豐富嘅節日系列又收納眼球嘅本地自家製寵物造型零食;睇得又打得(咭)!我們的出品採用天然優質食材(human grade), 無添加色素及其他添加劑, 令寵物食得開心家長又放心。 我們的宗旨是要打破傳統, 跳出框框, 把所有平平無奇的食材變成令人嘆為觀止的寵物零食。

“Dearlickcious was established in 2021, specializing in a nutrient-rich holiday series and eye-catching local homemade delicacy for pets; both visually appealing and “dearlickcious”! Our products are made with natural, high-quality ingredients (human grade), without added artificial colors or other additives, ensuring that pets eat happily and parents can rest assured. Our aim is to break traditions, think outside the box, and transform all ordinary ingredients into extraordinary pet snacks that are truly impressive.”
